“An Unimaginable Journey”
Author: Aviad Meitar
“An Unimaginable Journey” by Aviad Meitar is an inspiring story. The author has a clear and easy to read writing style and he is not without a sense of humor. Put all of this together and Meitar’s readers will definitely enjoy his first-hand recounting of the sixteen year journey detailed in this book.
Meitar’s story starts with an idea; the idea of bringing Pepsi to Romania where until this point only the Romanian “elite” were lucky enough to drink it. “An Unimaginable Journey” details out an incredible undertaking by people with little to no experience or knowledge in the beverage industry or for that matter, Romania. Meitar’s words and actions are a powerful reminder that no matter what someone says can or cannot be done if there is a burning desire to succeed then succeed you shall! In the end true determination will win out over any man-made obstacle.
Meitar’s book shows us the positives of “capitalism” and how it can be used to benefit all parties involved. His team went into a country with a population of twenty-three million and helped create jobs and business opportunities for its citizens. They knew this would also help in the rebuilding of Romania’s economy. They also managed to find charitable ways to give back to the community while still propelling the Pepsi brand further into the spotlight making it a win-win situation for all.
There is a chapter in the book which details “The Viking Laws” and how they were enacted in this business venture. No matter where we each reside I feel these ancient “laws” still hold true even in today’s world. I wonder how much less complicated our lives would be if each person implemented them on a daily basis. I agree with Meitar in his assessment that these laws “apply beautifully to running a successful business in modern times.”
In summary “An Unimaginable Journey” is a fantastic read made even more phenomenal because it is a true story. I highly recommend this book to readers of ALL ages and from all walks of life. There were many important truths realized during this journey and Meitar has graciously shared them with us. I also look forward to reading about his current endeavors in Bulgaria in the future.