Deserted Ocean

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“Deserted Ocean”

Author: Norman Holy

Wow, what a phenomenal story! “Deserted Ocean” is a well-written, well-researched, descriptive yet interesting book. Take into account that it is actually non-fiction and suddenly the message within its pages becomes truly frightening. Bottom-line, we are killing the oceans and its inhabitants. The ocean floors are fast becoming barren wastelands which the majority of us can’t see because these “deserts” sit under hundreds of feet of water. This is a dire situation because the oceans play an important role in our survival as a species.

The author, Norman Holy, does an excellent job of compiling information in an easy to read and understand format. He uses more than just the last century as a barometer for these findings and instead follows the degradation of our oceans back over a thousand years. It’s obvious that humankind has an effect on the environment. In the beginning our impact was less harmful only because we didn’t have the technology to harvest the oceans in the manner we do now. However, our technological advancements have improved so much that the ocean’s fish and cetaceans no longer have anywhere to hide.

This book points out, in well-documented black and white, that humans can be a thoughtless species. The majority of us do not live in harmony with the planet which, in my opinion, says a lot for our character as a whole. We are the caretakers of the earth and supposedly the most intelligent species on it. However, opposable thumbs do not a smart person make. I would also wager there is not another animal out there that could, or more importantly would, do the things we have done and are still doing.

I feel “Deserted Ocean” is a must read for anyone who calls this planet home. I know there are those who would argue about our impact; who will throw out other reasons why global warming and oceanic dead zones are occurring. I would say those people are extremely ignorant AND arrogant. While we may not necessarily agree on the amount of impact we have on the earth around us it should be obvious to all that we do have some. As our technology gets better our footprint gets larger. The question Holy seems to be asking is: are we capable of stopping the huge snow-ball barreling down upon us before it becomes the unstoppable avalanche? And if we manage to raise our awareness and lessen our impact will the oceans be able to recover from the damage we have already inflicted upon them?

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