“Healing with Words”
Author: Diana M. Raab
I recently finished reading “Healing with Words” by author Diana M. Raab. Initially I was hesitant to start this book; I lost my best friend Julie to cancer in April of 2006. However, now that I’ve finished, I’m thankful I did and I feel truly honored to provide my thoughts about this wonderful book.
“Healing with Words” is a real look at cancer through the eyes of someone who has experienced and overcome the physical aspects of this life-shattering disease. “Healing with Words” is a well-written, eye-opening and painfully honest book. It’s a realistic look at cancer from someone who has experienced it and lived through it first-hand. Raab has taken the time to share with her readers a very intimate accounting of an extremely hard time in her life. There is no history of any type of cancer in her family and yet she was unlucky enough to be diagnosed with this disease. Twice.
Raab walks us through her life starting with when she was first diagnosed with DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) which is an early form of breast cancer. She shares her pain, devastation and disbelief that this was actually happening to her in a manner which anyone who has had or currently has cancer will be able to relate to. She also provides her reflections, poetry and even some of her private journal entries. Throughout “Healing with Words” Raab gives insightful information and helpful advice that only someone who has personally traveled this horrific road would be able to offer. The fact that she has experienced cancer first-hand and refused to let it beat her should provide comfort to anyone reading this book looking for guidance or a kindred spirit.
“Healing with Words” is a powerful book and I feel the message contained within its pages will help many in the generations to come. I would wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone with a cancer diagnosis as well as to that person’s family members and friends. As a final note, the author proceeds from this book will be donated to the Mayo Clinic and I applaud Raab for her generosity.