7 Scorpions

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“7 Scorpions”

Author: Mike Saxton

I wasn’t quite sure what to think when I originally contemplated reading/reviewing “7 Scorpions: Rebellion.” Usually I can deduce what genre a book falls into just by its title but with this one I couldn’t. Would it be adventure? Science fiction? Or something that falls into the “war” genre? Looking at the book’s cover also made me think of Kurt Vonnegut and I wondered if the author might have a similar writing style.

“7 Scorpions: Rebellion” is the first of three books in the “7 Scorpions” series. After reading it I would label it predominately science fiction. In this series, May 7th is the day that will live forever in infamy… That was the day the previously unknown psychopath (known only as Zodiac) struck. His goal? World domination. Refusing to be outdone by predecessors like Napoleon or Hitler, Zodiac had flash bombs planted in every major city around the globe. On May 7th they simultaneously detonated and the world was thrown into complete and utter chaos. Governments crumbled; the world’s military vanished and the only remaining law was that of self-preservation. However, a hero did emerge after this destruction. Vincent Black, a man who was a former vigilante until he became an unwilling government super-soldier experiment. And now he and his band of rebels are all that stands between Zodiac and the end of humanity.

So, I read the book and I will say that the premise for the series is an interesting one. For the most part I enjoyed the read. Mike Saxton, the book’s author, is descriptive and he shows attention to detail although I did catch a chronological mistake early on. My only criticism, and I hope it will be viewed as constructive, is that the bad guys seemed to get carried away by childish “petulance” rather than the sadistic pleasure that I would have expected them to show. If someone is intelligent enough to mastermind and successfully pull off this coupe then I would have expected different mannerisms from that person.

In summary, I give “7 Scorpions: Rebellion” a four-star rating. While it wasn’t “glue me to my seat riveting” it definitely held my attention. I do feel that Saxton has talent as a storyteller. I also believe that as he writes more he will grow into his full potential as an author. I’m glad I was able to review this book and I look forward to the next installment in this series.

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