“The Lottery Eliminator, Pick 3 & Pick 4”
Authors: Dawn Lemke and Trisha M. Wilson
Finding books to read and review seems to be a never-ending cycle. Once again I was trying to find some interesting titles when I came across “The Lottery Eliminator, Pick 3 & Pick 4,” co-written by Dawn Lemke and Trisha M. Wilson. Hmmm… I stopped and contemplated it for a moment. I mean really, let’s be honest here, who wouldn’t want to “hit it big” via the lottery? Let’s face it; the lottery is this country’s ultimate in “get rich quick” scenarios.
I finally received my copy of “The Lottery Eliminator, Pick 3 & Pick 4” and true to one of the Amazon reviews I had previously read about it, after the forward, this book is all numbers. I’m pretty certain that every single possible variation for either the Pick 3 or the Pick 4 is supplied. I think. I’m not a math guru or anything but that’s what it looks like to me. However, with that being said, I do understand the concept behind “The Lottery Eliminator, Pick 3 & Pick 4.” Let me also say; don’t buy this book if you are expecting to be told what numbers to play in order to start winning the Pick 3 or Pick 4 lotteries. There’s actually work involved. Shocking, right? I guess that age old adage is true…you don’t get something for nothing.
On the flip side (for the author) I don’t intend to be harsh in my review the way that the person whose review I did read was. My understanding of “The Lottery Eliminator’s” forward is this: you are supposed to do your work, aka research, before you start investing any money in the Pick 3 or Pick 4. Let me say that again. Do your research and start establishing patterns and cycles before you start tossing in your hard-earned money. In other words, one must first follow the numbers and discover the patterns before one can start attempting to buy those winning tickets. Ahh…Mister Miyagi would be so proud of my enlightenment…
And now to answer the question that has been burning a hole in your brain ever since you read this book’s title. Does it work? Well…I’m still in my “research” phase. However if you ever see a news headline that reads: “Charline Ratcliff, California’s newest Pick 4 millionaire; tune in at 6:00 to learn how she did it” then you will know it really does work. Until then, happy sequencing and best of luck to you!