“Soul Trapper”
Author: F. J. Lennon
I recently finished reading “Soul Trapper” from the up and coming author F. J. Lennon. I have to say I found it to be a fast-paced ride through the annals of the supernatural…
Kane Price, the somewhat unlikely hero in “Soul Trapper” isn’t your regular run-of-the-mill guy. Kane isn’t interested in a corporate job; there’s no long term relationship he’s trying to move forward to the “next step” and he has no plans for his future other than to ensure he survives to see each new day. He loves to play music but his tastes are out of sync in today’s world – instead Kane prefers to lose himself in a sound that is several decades old. He’s definitely a substance user and abuser; he has a suspicious and distrustful nature; an amazingly strong self-destructive streak and to top it all off he’s morbidly obsessed with people who have died at twenty-seven. Being that age himself, and with the life that he leads, Kane has a gut feeling that his life will be over soon too.
I forgot to mention that Kane is also a ghost-hunting legend. Dealing with the supernatural isn’t an easy life style and it wasn’t one that he chose for himself; instead it was unceremoniously dumped into his lap after his father mysteriously vanished without a trace. Somehow Kane’s father must have realized that he wasn’t going to be around much longer but before he disappeared he did manage to leave his son instructions that led Kane directly to the Soul Trap; a powerful item that allows the user to hunt down, capture and send ghosts to their preordained afterlife.
Unfortunately, even though Kane uses the Soul Trap in an attempt to do good, more often than not his efforts leave behind a wake of destruction. Kane’s actions, and the fact that he does occasionally shoot off his big mouth, eventually draw the attention of a well known female reporter. While Kane is a womanizer at least he’s smart enough to know to leave this girl alone. Or is he?
I’m not going to give any more of the story away but suffice it to say that “Soul Trapper” was a roller-coaster of a ride. Lennon is a phenomenal author; his writing style is intense and he definitely has the writing ability to make you feel as if you are personally there watching events unfold.
“Soul Trapper” is a fantastic book for anyone who enjoys the paranormal, supernatural, suspense, mystery or…just a great read. Five stars…