“A Patient’s Guide To Liposuction”
Author: Jeffrey B. Schafer, MD, FRSM
I’m one of those people who loves to read / learn new things; consequently when I saw the title “A Patient’s Guide To Liposuction” I figured I would read / review it. Plus…I’ve always secretly wondered how liposuction works. After reading this book I have to say I learned a lot and not just “how to make an informed decision” as stated on the book’s cover. I had no idea that liposuction has been around since the mid-seventies; nor did I know that it originated in France.
My earliest memories of anything pertaining to liposuction came during the late eighties / early nineties when I would hear hushed conversations about someone’s botched procedure which would be immediately followed up by a dramatic sigh and a horrified “what was she thinking?!”
Over the years (and in all fairness) I think liposuction / cosmetic surgery procedures have received a bad rap and I’m unsure why. Doctors encourage us to stay healthy and society seems to mirror that same sentiment but often times for very different reasons. Medical practitioners are concerned about their patient’s health while the general public expects everyone to conform to a certain “look.” Is it any wonder that women (and men) turned to liposuction as well as various other cosmetic procedures as soon as they became available?
The good news is that liposuction has come a long way from its original inception; in fact doctor knowledge coupled with today’s technology seems to be positively changing the face and scope of cosmetic procedures. Complete anaesthetization is no longer required for everything; procedures are shorter and recovery times are quicker. And let’s not forget that the cost of liposuction is much more affordable than it used to be; making it more easily available to anyone needing help / desiring a change.
And finally, in “A Patient’s Guide To Liposuction” author Jeffrey B. Schafer, MD, FRSM walks us through everything anyone would need or want to know about liposuction. Schafer explains things like how liposuction works; he discusses who is a good candidate; how to choose the right doctor and more. While “A Patient’s Guide To Liposuction” is a quick read at only one hundred and twenty-four pages; it’s chock full of useful information that’s written in an easy to read / understand manner. “A Patient’s Guide To Liposuction” is well laid out; the chapter titles succinctly explain what can be found in them (which makes this great reference material) and it’s obvious that Schafer is extremely knowledgeable in his field / loves what he does.