“Of Animals and Angels”
Author: Marguerite Antonio
What is there to say about the book “Of Animals and Angels?” Well, for starters, at only forty-five pages, forty-nine if you count the Appendix, it was a phenomenally fast read.
“Of Animals and Angels” is a compilation of very short stories designed to let the reader know that, even though we are generally unaware of it, there are angels looking out for / guarding us at all times. “Of Animals and Angels” also reminds us that angels do not always show up in the guise of humans with wings, halos and luminescent light as we so often tend to imagine them. Instead they seem to appear in simple, more easily understood and accepted forms like a grandfatherly / grandmotherly person, a fatherly / motherly figure or…the ever faithful and loveable animal.
Since the dawn of time, many civilizations have recorded history of unusual happenstance with a miraculous save by some unknown stranger who then disappears off the face of the earth; never to be seen or heard from again. Many religious texts also refer to angels so it is not too much of stretch to imagine that we are indeed “watched” and looked after… With that said, I guess it is up to the reader to sort out and decide whether or not this belief holds true in his / her own life.
While “Of Animals and Angels” is comprised of fictional stories, author Marguerite Antonio has used her own angelic encounters as well as the experiences of those who have shared their personal stories with her. Doing this certainly allowed Antonio to provide “Of Animals and Angels” with a more realistic feel.
In summary, “Of Animals and Angels” was an interesting / inspirational read with an easy to understand message. While I was not completely impressed with the writing style itself, it was too short / too clipped for my taste, it is however a book that I would give to anyone who has an interest in this type of spiritual genre. “Of Animals and Angels” is definitely a quick read and is also age appropriate reading material for the younger generation.