“The Further Adventures of Blackjack: The Champion Morgan Horse”
Author: Ellen Feld
I just finished reading “The Further Adventures of Blackjack: The Champion Morgan Horse” and I have to admit that the book was a fun read and a nice change of pace for me. Definitely a tale for the younger adult but regardless, it was well-written and it’s obvious that author Ellen Feld knows a thing or two about horses, horse races and horse shows.
“The Further Adventures of Blackjack: The Champion Morgan Horse” is the seventh book in the “Blackjack” series and I appreciated the author’s inclusion of book one (“Blackjack”) when she sent me her manuscript to me for review. “Blackjack” introduced me to the main characters, gave me some background and helped to set the stage for this particular title.
In this installment Heather and her horse Blackjack have participated, and placed, in all the New England Morgan shows and bottom-line, they have had a phenomenal season. Heather has grown more and evolved into a better rider and Blackjack has truly come into his own. He’s strong, he’s proud, he shows well and Heather knows he’s got what it takes to win in Oklahoma at that the Grand National and World Championship Morgan Horse show.
The real question is whether or not Heather can put together enough money to cover the costs of getting herself and Blackjack to the event in Oklahoma. You can’t just bubble-wrap; box up and priority mail a thousand pound horse… With a very serious choice before her is Heather’s belief in Blackjack strong enough to allow her to make the huge sacrifice needed? And if she does move forward with her decision will the cost be worth it in the end? I guess you’ll just have to read “The Further Adventures of Blackjack: The Champion Morgan Horse” to find those answers.
In summary I found “The Further Adventures of Blackjack: The Champion Morgan Horse” to be a fun read. I also learned a bit about the Morgan breed and horse shows in general. Geared toward the younger audience “The Further Adventures of Blackjack: The Champion Morgan Horse” will no doubt successfully entertain them with its knowledgeable and well-written style. A good read for all; a “must read” for horse lovers.