The Realms of Animar

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“The Realms of Animar”

Author: Owen Black

Having just finished reading Owen Black’s first novel “The Realms of Animar;” I’m really hopeful that there’s a sequel coming out soon. I enjoy reading fantasy and I like reviewing books written by currently unknown authors so for me, “The Realms of Animar,” was a match made in heaven.

In the world of Animar, the people who reside in the small town of Avryndale enjoy a fairly peaceful existence. Or at least they have for the past few years. Prior to their leader and king finding this protected oasis; they were hunted as prey until they finally banded together and fled for their lives. Before the founding of Avryndale, these people lived each day filled with fear and dread. How could they not? Who really wants to wind up as a midday snack for some hungry predator?

I know what you’re wondering. What kind of animal can hunt people so skillfully, and in great enough numbers, to cause this kind of panic and mass exodus? Well, here’s the kicker…in Animar each being has two forms: one human and one animal. Each person can morph into their animal at will and just like our own animal kingdom there are peaceful herbivores and hungry carnivores. I bet things are making more sense now?

Just as in any good fantasy tale there is always a battle for power; always some kind of good versus some kind of evil. Animar is no different. In this world, magic has not been seen in centuries, if ever, and while there are stories and legends no one really gives them credence except for a single person; the villain of this story: Fatalis. He has been told there is one among the people who will have the power to eradicate him, and he makes it his mission to find this boy and annihilate him and those who protect him.

I’m not going to provide any more of the plot; suffice it to say that “The Realms of Animar” was a fantastic read. Black has an amazing imagination; he writes with style and aplomb as he transitions seamlessly from character to character and scene to scene. Also, having read that the author has “two adventurous boys,” I daresay there is a little bit of them to be found in the main character known as Thane.

In summary, a great read that will keep you interested from start to finish. Five stars…

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