“The Job”
Author: Cramer Louis Jackson
I finished reading my copy of “The Job” by author Cramer Louis Jackson and honestly once I was done I could do nothing but sit there in stunned and horrified silence. I don’t like having to be the bearer of bad news; I dislike having to write less than glowing reviews but even more importantly than that…I really and truly hate reading bad books! Wow! I almost don’t even know where to begin with this review…
Startlingly “The Job” was only forty-five pages long which…when reading a good book that’s depressingly short however, with regards to “The Job,” I found it to be a blessing in disguise. And truthfully? I couldn’t get to page forty-five fast enough!
“The Job” is classed as Science Fiction and focuses on Joe Jamison who is currently out of work with absolutely no job prospects anywhere on the horizon. This isn’t to say that Joe is unemployed due to lack of trying – there’s just nothing viable anywhere. Or is there? One afternoon Joe receives a “cloak and dagger” type letter giving him covert instructions on where to go and what to do in order to qualify for some “secret” job. Deciding he has nothing to lose Joe follows the instructions to a tee and what do you know? He, and he alone, qualifies for this job. What are the odds?
After the initial interview Joe’s identity is changed; he’s provided with more money than he knows what to do with and then shortly thereafter he meets the woman of his dreams who just as miraculously falls head over heels in love with him. I don’t want to give any more of the story away but after completing the book I reread the back cover and idly wondered who had actually had the…audacity…to use the phrase “cinematic brilliance” with regards to this particular title. At best it read like a sub-standard “B” rated Sci-Fi movie that went directly to DVD because it was too corny to garner any interest at the box office.
In summary, I found “The Job” to be very poorly written; the plot bordered on ludicrous and inane and…that “sinister force” mentioned in the synopsis was laughable at best.