Archive for Reviews by Charline Ratcliff

Finding Milla Blaire: Anomaly

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“Finding Milla Blaire: Anomaly”

Author: Candice Stockstell

I’ve just finished reading my copy of “Becoming Milla Blaire: Anomaly” and I must say, it was a great story. New author, Candice Stockstell, has done a wonderful job with the writing of this fictional novel plus, she has set the stage nicely for the next book in the series: “Transcend.” (Which, just for the record, I’m very much looking forward to reading…)

The plot/storyline found within “Finding Milla Blaire: Anomaly” was interesting/captivating, the character development was good and the writing skills were top-notch however, there were some minor spelling errors throughout the book. Thankfully, these rarely detracted from the tale and honestly, “Becoming Milla Blaire: Anomaly” was a challenge for me to put down once I had started reading it.

In “Becoming Milla Blaire: Anomaly” we meet Milla Blaire; rushed and harried and running late to yet another over-the-top social function with her perfectly coiffed and well behaved family. Milla is fed up with the limelight, the paparazzi, the fans and…the fakeness of it all. After being needled by various family members once too many times at this event, Milla loses her patience and then her temper, and causes quite the scandal as she tells her family off before storming out.

Upon reaching the tranquility of her home, Milla is blown away by her actions. Realizing that she is tired of living her life by someone else’s standards, she rebels, and starts down the path of finding the real Milla Blaire…. And… I’m not going to provide anymore of the story…better you discover it through reading the book.

In summary, a great read fictional read plus, I’m pretty certain that anyone who loves the “Twilight” series will also love “Becoming Milla Blaire: Anomaly.”

The Coach House

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“The Coach House”

Author: Florence Osmund

Having just finished reading “The Coach House” I can tell you it was a captivating story. “The Coach House” is set in Chicago circa 1945. That’s a different world from what we know today, and I always enjoy being able to “go back in time” and experience pieces of the past; hence my desire to read it.

We first glimpse Marie Andrea Costa, one of the main characters in “The Coach House,” as she is decorating a window display for the Marshall Field’s department store where she works. We view her through the eyes of Richard Marchetti as he gazes at her in dumbstruck wonder. Richard is suave, witty and charming and he finally convinces Maria to step out of the display and…out to dinner with him.

Theirs is a whirlwind courtship and almost before she realizes it Marie is juggling her full time work schedule with a full blown romance. Richard seems to be the perfect man and he showers Marie with devoted attention, lavish gifts and impromptu getaways. How can she not fall madly in love with him? She does, they marry and together they start down the road of “happily ever after.”

Unfortunately, things are not always what they seem and Marie begins to notice an abundance of odd happenings. Phone calls late at night, strange receipts, a gun hidden in Richard’s desk drawer and discomfiting men showing up at her home. Whenever she asks Richard for an explanation he always becomes evasive and then angry with her if she doesn’t immediately drop it. She eventually stops questioning him but she can’t return to her previous days of innocent naiveté so she finally realizes she must put together a plan to move out and divorce him.

As we all know, life rarely happens according to plan and Marie’s life is no different. I don’t want to give away any more of the story but I will say “The Coach House” was a captivating read. Author Florence Osmund writes with impeccable style and I appreciated the little touches of the era that she consistently added to her novel. The characters seemed like real people and the storyline is definitely true to life.

In closing, “The Coach House” is a great book for anyone who likes reading triumph over adversity type stories.

Too Much Blood

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“Too Much Blood”

Author: Jane Bennett Munro

“Too Much Blood” was an engrossing read, although it was most definitely written by someone with an extensive knowledge of human anatomy and conditions. Author Jane Bennett Munro (MD) is a semi-retired pathologist with over thirty years in the field, which gives her writing the exceptional realism that only comes from personal, hands on, experience. Don’t be worried though, Munro has written “Too Much Blood” in a very tasteful manner so while it’s extremely realistic it’s not over the top for those who, like me, are squeamish when it comes to reading murder mysteries.

Toni Day, the main character in “Too Much Blood” receives a call in the wee hours of the morning because Jay Braithwaite Burke, the local (and sleazy) attorney has been found deceased. Burke’s car was discovered in a small snow bank in the middle of a freeway and wouldn’t you know it, when the police opened the car up, there was Jay Braithwaite Burke, dead as a door nail, in the driver’s seat. Toni is required to perform an autopsy and the question of the day? Was Burke’s death due to natural causes or…was it a homicide?

A man died in his car in the middle of the night during a snow storm? Why wouldn’t his death be from natural causes?? Probably because nothing in life is ever quite that simple… I think I used the word “sleazy” when previously making reference to Burke and it’s an apt description. Apparently Mr. Burke was promoting a pretty impressive hedge fund and almost every single doctor who worked at Perrine Memorial Hospital invested in it. Unfortunately, when the economy tanked, so did his hedge fund and it was revealed shortly afterward to be a massive Ponzi scheme. Needless to say, after losing their shirts and then some, most of the town had reason to want Burke dead. Now it’s just a question of “who done it?”

I don’t want to give away any more of Munro’s tale – suffice it to say it was a great book. Munro writes with captivating flair and her storyline is believable and realistic. “Too Much Blood” reads like front page news and I’m certain that murder mystery fans of all ages will enjoy this title.

The Secret Beyond The Secret

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“The Secret Beyond The Secret”

Author: Ardiana Cohn

Having just finished my reading of “The Secret Beyond The Secret” I can honestly say I’m a bit perturbed. Initially the book’s title caught my eye and…it seemed apparent that the author, Ardiana Cohn, was making reference to a previously published book: “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. Reading the back cover of “The Secret Beyond The Secret” supported my supposition and I decided to read it.

The premise of “The Secret Beyond The Secret” is that bottom-line we, the public, were incorrectly led to believe that we can use the Law of Attraction to design our own destinies. Cohn does not support the belief that our destinies are our own to choose; instead she believes that each person’s destiny is unchangeable. “However, we do have the potential to exercise our free will within its confines so as to make our paths toward our destinies happier and more satisfying.”

I’m not going to attempt to prove or disprove Cohn’s personal opinion…my disappointment with “The Secret Beyond The Secret” stems from what I read on the back cover. Or should I say what I didn’t read on the back cover… The synopsis touched on things like the Law of Attraction. Is it a lie? Dreams too were mentioned. However, there was absolutely nothing stated about religion, God or that we need to “exploit our free will in order to receive His blessing.” Needless to say I was completely blindsided by the overabundance of the author’s religious teachings and I wondered if Cohn had even read “The Secret” before writing “The Secret Beyond The Secret.” Don’t get me wrong; I have zero issues with books that have religious undertones, references, et cetera – I just believe in appropriate disclosure. When I read a book’s “about” I want to know the truth of what it’s about so that I can decide if I really want to read it.

In summary? “The Secret Beyond The Secret” was reasonably well-written although there was way too much over explanation. I appreciated Cohn’s desire to share her personal experiences as a way to connect with her readers but, more often than not; it was just too much. Some of the information provided within “The Secret Beyond The Secret” is of a nature to be useful and helpful to those who struggle to accept themselves and / or their lives. Unfortunately much of what I read I found to be extraneous.

Lifting the Spiritual Self-Esteem of the LGBT Community

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“Lifting the Spiritual Self-Esteem of the LGBT Community”

Author: Khepra Ka-Re Amente Anu

I’ve just finished reading “Lifting the Spiritual Self-Esteem of the LGBT Community” written by new author Khepra Ka-Re Amente Anu and to sum the book up in a single sentence? It was an intense read…

It seems to me that the entire purpose behind “Lifting the Spiritual Self-Esteem of the LGBT Community” is to compare the world’s different religions, both past and present, provide a concise accounting of their many similarities and attempt to prove that bottom-line, they are all man made and not really divinely inspired as all religions would their followers believe. From that point of view it is not “religion” that forces us to be hateful and hurtful to those in the LGBT community – it is, in fact, just us as we separate and segregate those who make us feel uncomfortable.

“Lifting the Spiritual Self-Esteem of the LGBT Community” is a sharp and biting book. The author has provided countless facts, excerpts, quotes and more to validate his exceptionally strong belief system. I personally appreciate the author’s candor however, I know there are many out there who will not and this book will most certainly be considered inflammatory and heretical by them.

I am also thankful for the personal information the author opted to provide in the book’s preface. While it might not have been included for anything other than background about the author I do think it was a wise decision. It definitely helped me understand where he was coming from and consequently I was able to understand the strong passion that drove him to share his viewpoints. Without that pertinent information I might have read his sometimes longwinded and opinionated rants and decided he was simply a sanctimonious know-it-all.

In summary, “Lifting the Spiritual Self-Esteem of the LGBT Community” was a well written book. The author’s viewpoint / belief system is provided in a concise manner and followed up with an exceptional amount of documented fact. The author is obviously thorough and he has no doubt spent many, many hours on research. A great book for anyone in the LGBT community who struggles with being ostracized due to their sexual preferences that have been genetically predetermined even before their birth… This book could also be an eye opening read for heterosexual people who don’t understand the harshness someone who prefers a same sex partner endures.

The Realms of Animar

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“The Realms of Animar”

Author: Owen Black

Having just finished reading Owen Black’s first novel “The Realms of Animar;” I’m really hopeful that there’s a sequel coming out soon. I enjoy reading fantasy and I like reviewing books written by currently unknown authors so for me, “The Realms of Animar,” was a match made in heaven.

In the world of Animar, the people who reside in the small town of Avryndale enjoy a fairly peaceful existence. Or at least they have for the past few years. Prior to their leader and king finding this protected oasis; they were hunted as prey until they finally banded together and fled for their lives. Before the founding of Avryndale, these people lived each day filled with fear and dread. How could they not? Who really wants to wind up as a midday snack for some hungry predator?

I know what you’re wondering. What kind of animal can hunt people so skillfully, and in great enough numbers, to cause this kind of panic and mass exodus? Well, here’s the kicker…in Animar each being has two forms: one human and one animal. Each person can morph into their animal at will and just like our own animal kingdom there are peaceful herbivores and hungry carnivores. I bet things are making more sense now?

Just as in any good fantasy tale there is always a battle for power; always some kind of good versus some kind of evil. Animar is no different. In this world, magic has not been seen in centuries, if ever, and while there are stories and legends no one really gives them credence except for a single person; the villain of this story: Fatalis. He has been told there is one among the people who will have the power to eradicate him, and he makes it his mission to find this boy and annihilate him and those who protect him.

I’m not going to provide any more of the plot; suffice it to say that “The Realms of Animar” was a fantastic read. Black has an amazing imagination; he writes with style and aplomb as he transitions seamlessly from character to character and scene to scene. Also, having read that the author has “two adventurous boys,” I daresay there is a little bit of them to be found in the main character known as Thane.

In summary, a great read that will keep you interested from start to finish. Five stars…

The Further Adventures of Blackjack: The Champion Morgan Horse

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“The Further Adventures of Blackjack: The Champion Morgan Horse”

Author: Ellen Feld

I just finished reading “The Further Adventures of Blackjack: The Champion Morgan Horse” and I have to admit that the book was a fun read and a nice change of pace for me. Definitely a tale for the younger adult but regardless, it was well-written and it’s obvious that author Ellen Feld knows a thing or two about horses, horse races and horse shows.

“The Further Adventures of Blackjack: The Champion Morgan Horse” is the seventh book in the “Blackjack” series and I appreciated the author’s inclusion of book one (“Blackjack”) when she sent me her manuscript to me for review. “Blackjack” introduced me to the main characters, gave me some background and helped to set the stage for this particular title.

In this installment Heather and her horse Blackjack have participated, and placed, in all the New England Morgan shows and bottom-line, they have had a phenomenal season. Heather has grown more and evolved into a better rider and Blackjack has truly come into his own. He’s strong, he’s proud, he shows well and Heather knows he’s got what it takes to win in Oklahoma at that the Grand National and World Championship Morgan Horse show.

The real question is whether or not Heather can put together enough money to cover the costs of getting herself and Blackjack to the event in Oklahoma. You can’t just bubble-wrap; box up and priority mail a thousand pound horse… With a very serious choice before her is Heather’s belief in Blackjack strong enough to allow her to make the huge sacrifice needed? And if she does move forward with her decision will the cost be worth it in the end? I guess you’ll just have to read “The Further Adventures of Blackjack: The Champion Morgan Horse” to find those answers.

In summary I found “The Further Adventures of Blackjack: The Champion Morgan Horse” to be a fun read. I also learned a bit about the Morgan breed and horse shows in general. Geared toward the younger audience “The Further Adventures of Blackjack: The Champion Morgan Horse” will no doubt successfully entertain them with its knowledgeable and well-written style. A good read for all; a “must read” for horse lovers.

Singing For My Supper, The Greatest Self Help Book Ever Written

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“Singing For My Supper, The Greatest Self Help Book Ever Written”

Author: Phillip E. Hardy

I’ve just finished reading “Singing For My Supper, The Greatest Self Help Book Ever Written” by new author Phillip E. Hardy and overall, I found it to be a very entertaining read.

“Singing For My Supper, The Greatest Self Help Book Ever Written” is a partial autobiography, part self-help book and part fictional novel based on the author’s life. As I read through my copy of this title, I kept hearing the infamous quote from the movie A Few Good Men: “you can’t handle the truth!” With that being said, those of you who are faint of heart should not attempt to read this title; neither should those of you who cannot handle truth and / or opinion being delivered with the same abruptness as a sledge hammer completely shattering a glass window because that’s the easiest way to describe Hardy’s writing style. It’s truthful. It’s abrupt. It’s real. And it’s right there in your face whether you want to agree with it or not. Should you, the reader, be one who prefers to sweep everything under the rug and / or “let sleeping dogs lie” this is a title you should definitely skip.

“Singing For My Supper, The Greatest Self Help Book Ever Written” is a funny and irreverent look at life through the eyes of Phillip Hardy. The author shares various stories and experiences from his life in a manner that is both humorous and educational. Because of this, “Singing For My Supper, The Greatest Self Help Book Ever Written” was a fun, quick and easy read. If only school teachers could provide this same kind of wit and sarcasm to complement each student’s required learning workload, I daresay the high school dropout numbers would plummet substantially if not disappear altogether.

In summary, “Singing For My Supper, The Greatest Self Help Book Ever Written” is a sarcastically funny book. One never knows where the author will wind up from one story to the next and honestly that’s part of the book’s appeal. I know I personally appreciated Hardy’s cynical comments and his straightforward approach to the conundrums of life. Four stars…

Reel Life

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“Reel Life”

Author: Jackie Townsend

Having just finished reading “Reel Life” I can state that it was an interesting read. When I first started this title, I had a difficult time with it because the book’s style is not one that I typically enjoy. However, as I progressed further through “Reel Life,” I was able to get beyond the consistent past to present, past to present layout and successfully immerse myself in the story. There even came a point when I began to look forward to picking it up and reading more; this says a lot about the writing ability of author Jackie Townsend.

“Reel Life” is a fictional drama although, in today’s day and age, it could quite possibly be the detailed life of your next door neighbor and the relationship she has with her own sister / family. “Reel Life” focuses on two sisters, Betty and Jamie, and their dysfunctional life. Somehow, with neither of them being quite sure when, they grew apart and became total strangers. The ties that bind them together are, of course, their biological family and…their total and complete love of movies. Hence the title…

In “Reel Life” we, the reader, follow along as we are presented with an almost cinematic look into the lives of both sisters. We watch them grow as young children; we see them struggle through their teenage years; we marvel at how they sail through college, yet neither of them seems really or truly happy, especially when the other is present. Both of them love each other but neither is willing to let down their defenses in order to let the other one know how much they are needed. To partially quote Sir Walter Scott: “Oh! what a tangled web we weave…”

I don’t want to give any more of the story away but in summary, “Reel Life” was, for the most part, an entertaining book. Townsend is a very descriptive writer and she seems to write with the ease of someone who has actually experienced this tale first hand. The characters found within “Reel Life” are believable, as are the circumstances that they find themselves in. While not the type of story I generally pick up; I am, nonetheless, happy to have read it.

Of Animals and Angels

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“Of Animals and Angels”

Author: Marguerite Antonio

What is there to say about the book “Of Animals and Angels?” Well, for starters, at only forty-five pages, forty-nine if you count the Appendix, it was a phenomenally fast read.

“Of Animals and Angels” is a compilation of very short stories designed to let the reader know that, even though we are generally unaware of it, there are angels looking out for / guarding us at all times. “Of Animals and Angels” also reminds us that angels do not always show up in the guise of humans with wings, halos and luminescent light as we so often tend to imagine them. Instead they seem to appear in simple, more easily understood and accepted forms like a grandfatherly / grandmotherly person, a fatherly / motherly figure or…the ever faithful and loveable animal.

Since the dawn of time, many civilizations have recorded history of unusual happenstance with a miraculous save by some unknown stranger who then disappears off the face of the earth; never to be seen or heard from again. Many religious texts also refer to angels so it is not too much of stretch to imagine that we are indeed “watched” and looked after… With that said, I guess it is up to the reader to sort out and decide whether or not this belief holds true in his / her own life.

While “Of Animals and Angels” is comprised of fictional stories, author Marguerite Antonio has used her own angelic encounters as well as the experiences of those who have shared their personal stories with her. Doing this certainly allowed Antonio to provide “Of Animals and Angels” with a more realistic feel.

In summary, “Of Animals and Angels” was an interesting / inspirational read with an easy to understand message. While I was not completely impressed with the writing style itself, it was too short / too clipped for my taste, it is however a book that I would give to anyone who has an interest in this type of spiritual genre. “Of Animals and Angels” is definitely a quick read and is also age appropriate reading material for the younger generation.