“The Silk Box”
Author: Shirley Mihoko Hairston
I just finished reading my copy of “The Silk Box” by author Shirley Mihoko Hairston and I must say it was a much better read then I expected it to be when I initially requested it. From the very beginning “The Silk Box” was an easy story to “get in to” and I immediately began to empathize with “Mi-Chan” Mihoko Namura, one of the book’s main characters. In reading Hairston’s dedication to her mother, Mihoko “Mi-Chan” Drake as well as to her father, Charles “Sonny” Drake I couldn’t help but notice that these were also the names of “The Silk Box’s” title characters. Being intrigued by this aspect I wondered how much of the tale I was about to embark on would be fictional and how much would be fact…
The premise of “The Silk Box” is this: Mi-Chan (Mihoko Namura) is a young Japanese girl who has just returned by train to the city of Hiroshima on the infamous morning of August 6, 1945. Mi-Chan is a docile and obedient child, yet for some reason on that particular morning rather than disembarking at Hiroshima station as she should have, she opted to stay on the train as it continued its journey to the military base. Mi-Chan was not alone as she traveled from home to school but, her best friend and companion, Junko was the feeling ill and decided to get off the train so she could rest at school rather than accompanying Mi-Chan any further.
A short while later the train stopped at Hirohito Station; and it is here that Mi-Chan finally stepped off the train; a decision that ultimately saved her life. It was a beautiful day, although exceptionally hot, and Mi-Chan began her walk to the bay. The stillness of the day was broken only by the sound of a propeller plane and as Mi-Chan looked skyward she was surprised to see that it was American. Moments later her life was irrevocably and forever altered.
“The Silk Box” continues and we follow along through Mi-Chan’s life; we learn about some of the horrors that the atomic bomb survivors lived through and we meet “Sonny” (Charles Drake, Jr.) who turns out to be the love of Mi-Chan’s life. Unfortunately life itself is never simple and these star-crossed lovers will wait years before they are finally able to be together.
I will not share any more of the tale found within “The Silk Box” as it is the author’s to share with you however, should you decide to read it, you will not be disappointed. Hairston writes with poignancy and eloquence and even though parts of the story were shocking and horrific they were always represented with dignity and class.